Growing up my mom and one of her friends had a cooking school. I can remember many, many nights having to do my home work in our TV room because our kitchen was full of people attending their cooking classes. They were before their time in our small town with their delicious creations and adventurous sense of taste. I can remember the taste of certain meals that my mom would make so fondly, it's like I was eating them just days ago. I guess I've always had a real love for food. Now it's paleo food!
Eventually my mom got too busy with life and kids and decided not to do the cooking school anymore, but her partner Lily Courtney continued her classes and her love for cooking. To say that Lily is an incredible cook is an understatement. I have taken many, many cooking classes from her and learned so much. Lily has now started her own line of condiments called Delightful Palate. She sells 3 different flavors that can be used as a marinade, dressing, dip, glaze... and whatever you want to use it for. This past weekend she was selling her delicious condiments at our local farmers market and she was giving samples of this salad. Hers had cous cous in it, so I changed it a little to make it more paleo. Her condiments are not completely paleo, but they are all gluten free and absolutely delicious. Try them!!!!
4 sweet potatoes cubed
2 medium onions sliced
1.5 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup delightful palate stone fruit nectar
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup green onion
1. Preheat oven to 400
2. Chop sweet potatoes and onions and place on a baking sheet
3. Toss with 1/2 of the stone fruit nectar and season with salt and pepper
4. Bake for 25 minutes
5. Place potatoes in a bowl with cranberries, onion, the rest of the stone fruit nectar, green onion and salt and pepper

I am so flattered, so sorry we took over your homework room, made you smarter.
Could you use honey instead of the stone fruit nectar? Or what would you suggestion to use in it’s place?
You could use honey and white wine vinegar. Check out my recipe called sweet potato salad with warm bacon dressing. It’s very similar and doesn’t use the stone fruit nectar
Thanks for the advice.