You will need:
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts, chopped into pieces
1 head of cauliflower
3 tablespoon sesame oil
1 bunch green onions
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic
4 oz chopped mushrooms
1/4 cup coconut aminos
2 eggs
Salt and pepper
1. Start by chopping chicken into pieces and season with salt and pepper.Start sautéing chicken in large pan in some olive oil.
2. While chicken in cooking, chop up cauliflower and put in food processor until its the consistency of rice.
3. Once the chicken is starting to brown and is almost cooked fully, add sesame oil and then add chopped onion, garlic, cauliflower and mushrooms to chicken. Cook on med- high heat until starts to brown.
4. reduce to medium heat and add green onions and eggs. Stir around until eggs are fully cooked.
5. Once eggs are fully cooked add coconut aminos.
6. Cook until cauliflower is to your desired texture. Season well with salt and pepper.