Eating Paleo while away from home.
I've had a lot of people ask me how is it possible to follow paleo when you are on vacation, out to dinner at a friends, or away from your normal routine. My answer is that you just set your mind to it and do it. You can follow paleo ANYWHERE. So many people say to me "its just not possible," and that is simply NOT true. There are paleo options literally everywhere I have been. If you can find a paleo option at a local fair, a child's birthday party, or an LSU football game, then you can pretty much find one anywhere. Don't worry about the little things when you are out to eat like exactly what everything is cooked in, just make smart choices. Choose the vegetable instead of the French fries, take the bun off the burger, choose the grilled chicken instead of the chicken nuggets, and choose the veggie tray instead of the chips and dip. I have even brought my own sweet potato chips to a Mexican restaurant. Yes, the waiter probably thought I was weird, but my sweet potato chips and fresh guacamole sure were good. My advice when at a restaurant or friends house is to always choose the protein. If you are in an airport you can always find something to eat like nuts, fruit, and beef jerky available in an airport shop. Also, when going somewhere to eat with friends or others who don't eat paleo, don't let them make you feel weird for your food choices. You are the one eating healthy and making smart decisions. If you choose to pass on the piece of cake while they gobble it down,you shouldn't feel guilty, you should feel confident that you are helping yourself and your body. I have literally had people talk to me, and look at me like I eat alien food when I have tried to explain paleo to them. I simply say to them, I eat healthy because I want to live long, I want to be fast, and I want to be strong. What can someone say back to that?