Sun Dried Tomato Stuffed Chicken over Sweet Sauteed Kale I cooked this entire dinner and realized that I’m really not supposed to eat dried fruit while on whole30. So, I picked out the golden raisins in my portion and enjoyed …
Today is whole30 day 14. I had scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, a sweet potato topped with grilled onions and chicken for lunch, and a peach and some coconut butter to snack. I have to say I am feeling …
Today is day 3 on whole30 and I’m still going strong. For breakfast I had coffee with coconut milk, eggs, and a grilled plantain( my new favorite food), and for lunch I had a burger patty topped with lettuce, tomato, …
Well, I decided to start whole 30 tomorrow with a group of people from my crossfit. If you don’t know what whole30 is, definitely check it out at whole9life. It’s kind of a more strict paleo. For the next 30 …